Saturday, September 29, 2012

The little ones can get some mobility with Kids Scooters 3 Wheel Models

There's an old rock 'n roll classic called “Baby We Were Born to Run", and that pretty much describes how toddlers react when they realize that they don't have to crawl on all fours anymore. It is a basic trait of human nature to want to have mobility and freedom of movement. Young children recognize this, even though perhaps not consciously, from the time they develop enough motor skills to be able to walk around, or more precisely stumble around, the house and the general environment.

Mum and Dad often have their hands full keeping up with these little bundles of energy, these little dynamos that tend to want to go everywhere and get into everything. It's no wonder that most parents tend to childproof their home when their children get to an age where they have this mobility. Doors to certain rooms have to have special locks, cabinets that contain just about anything, but especially hazardous chemicals, such as cleaning supplies, need to have safety locks. The whole house can begin to look like an armed camp!

But it is certainly not the children's fault, they are just doing what comes naturally, being curious and extremely mobile. As every parent knows, this phase can last several years, until the child is old enough to recognize right from wrong, what drawers, cabinets or rooms are safe to enter and which are not. If parents plan on having two or more children, they may find that the period during which the house is in this special lockdown mode can last a decade or more!

Besides enjoying exploring everything that they can inside the house, toddlers love getting outdoors, especially when the weather is sunny and warm. It may still be a few years before they have enough of a sense of balance to ride a bicycle, but there are obvious alternatives that they are perfectly comfortable with. Kids scooters 3 wheel models provide the perfect form of transportation for these adventurous toddlers.

They quickly learn how to use their tiny legs to move the scooter and within a very short time learn that they can scurry around the house, or even down the street, moving faster than they had ever imagined possible. Once again, Mum and Dad need to keep a watchful eye on these precocious youngsters, before they wander too far away, or tried to tackle a kerb, or other obstacle, potentially hurting themselves. But once they learn the basics, they are off and running, and loving life as a result.

For all your child’s needs, not only kids scooters 3 wheel models but also other toys, costumes and accessories, be sure to see everything that Baby Patisserie has to offer. They can deliver to almost anywhere in the UK, and even provide a price matching guarantee, so you can shop with utmost confidence. Be sure to visit them at to learn about all the great surprises they have in store for you and your young ones.

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